Today calendars are not just pieces of paper with information about regular days and upcoming holidays, they’re also personal organizers where you can combine your personal affairs and professional schedules. A personalized printable calendar will help you keep track of all the events in your everyday life. With customized calendar templates available in Photo Calendar Creator, you’ll be able to make your own calendar design for a year, month or even a week in a couple of clicks!
All calendars are different and perform different tasks. Not only do you have poster calendars, desk calendars and booklet calendars, you can create custom designs that work better for you. The number of pages also varies, with some calendars holding more than one month per page. Consider how your custom calendars will be used and you’ll be able to choose the personal calendar template that’s right for you.
Launch Photo Calendar Creator and pick the type of your calendar in the wizard:
Themed photo calendars can be devoted to all sorts of special interests from family activities to travel, from sports to great inspiration, and from humor to world cuisines. Go for the 'wow' factor with powerful lines and incredible structures. Amaze with striking images of stunning locations or thrilling adventures. Stir up imagination with aspirational words and pictures. Here are choices of themed calendars for people who like something different or would like to stand out from the crowd.
Using one of these photo calendar templates, you can get a time-saving tool, capture some memorable event in your life, create a great personalized gift, or extend the effects of your promotional campaign with an ideal giveaway.
To make a custom calendar template truly yours, mark specific holidays and occasions. Note down important information like birthdays, anniversaries, and official appointments by adding notes and photos into the cells of your calendar. If you want to have a perpetual calendar for birthdays and anniversaries, then make a planner without weekdays, which will allow you to use it for multiple years.
The program is simple as ABC, and has an absolutely intuitive interface
Make even last-minute gifts
with love and create gorgeous calendars for all family
Access to 250+ calendar templates, editing & decoration tools, print layouts, etc.
Custom calendar templates made by professional designers look like shop-bought
Mark important events and create your own groups of personal holidays
Buy the program once and create thousands of calendars for years to come
We know for sure that there’s nothing worse than ordering a calendar only to find out too late it has the wrong year. Misaligned pages and artwork can really get you down too. Avoid these issues by downloading Photo Calendar Creator software and making your own planners based on hundreds of custom calendar templates.
With Photo Calendar Creator, your only limitation is your own creativity!*
*Run out of ideas? Click here to get inspired.
Can’t wait to create your one-of-a-kind calendar but don’t know which to make first? Since you’re already overwhelmed with many choices we’ve compiled a list of helpful planners you can make using custom calendar templates.
Got the full version of Photo Calendar Creator and want to enjoy all of its creative opportunities? Click here and our tech support will be glad to help you.
If you have any other questions on the program, its functions or payment options, hit the button below.